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SEO changes to look out for in 2021!

Search engine optimisation in 2020 was nothing short of a whirlwind. From trying to tap new avenues in the beginning of 2020 to developing distinctive strategies around the pandemic. We’ve seen it all, done it all.

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New year comes with new trends and just like every other trends SEO is also ever-evolving. So let’s get you acquainted with some of the SEO changes you’ll face in the year 2021!

Google User Experience

Google was the first one to come out with a unique SEO upgrade primarily revolving around the user page experience. They stated that at some point in 2021 the page experience will become a google ranking definer.

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The update encompasses the speed and the utility of a a web page while a user is active on it. This is based on measuring the core web vitals i.e. time taken by a page to load, page-user interaction, and the changes in the content on shifting to different page.

This year google is highly focused on providing it user superior quality links, targeted webpages and an accentuated user experience.

If you want to hop on this bus then make sure to update your webpage by removing unnecessary layout shifts and working on improving its loading speed.

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Brand Image

Along with keeping a check on the performance of your website google also wants to assess your brand’s image in the market. To do this google takes into account module E-A-T which was introduced in 2018. E-A-T stands for expertise, authority and trustworthiness.

Google analyses your website and takes into account what the user has to say about your brand. And based on their own analysis and user feedback they will use the E-A-T modules to assign google ranking to your website.

The best way to nail this is by understanding your target audience. Once you have a clear understanding of your demographic group then you must study the likes and dislikes of your audience and create interesting content accordingly. User-friendly content will help you gain more interaction from your users and more online visibility via a high google ranking.

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Make it crisp

Google continuously works towards improving its user experience and one path it took was bringing onboard voice search. Every time we search for something on google we often see a short and crisp answer for it at the top of the search page. This concept of short answers in a tiny snipped was introduced in 2019 and is done with the assistance of Bert Algorithm and Artificial Intelligence.

Owing to the pandemic people found themselves using their smartphones much more than ever before. Google found an increase in the number of people using google to search for something and is hence working consistently to upgrade its user’s search experience and fo provide the best content.

To get yourself in-sync with this google upgrade work on improving the quality of your content and making it more user-friendly. Focus on incorporating the right key words in the right density to improve your organic ranking. Don’t shy away from using different marketing tools to improve your user interaction.


Want to keep up with the evolving trends but don’t know how? Get in touch with us at and get yourself acquainted with a team of professionals with expertise in working with different niches and developing targeted marketing strategies. Don’t wait up, get in touch with us today!

Creative Thinks Media